Freedom will come
Album: 1415: The Beginning
Featuring: Abdul Malik Ahmad, Khalil Ismail and Umar Abdullah.
Words By: Zain Bhikha, Khalil Ismail and Abdul Malik Ahmad.
Melody By: Zain Bhikha
A place cherished by children of Abraham
But this bloodshed and carnage, don’t understand
Son raise your head, find the star in the night sky
Freedom will come Palestine, we hear it worldwide,
So eager to take a life
Guns a blazing, you bring the horror
Tell me how you sleep at night
Children screamin, no tomorrow
That’s how they’ve lived their lives
Hope’s still burning, freedom will come
Everything’s gonna be alright
You’ll never kill the hope burning bright deep inside
You may take their lives
But you’ll never kill the voice rising up
Freedom will come, Palestine
You say she deserved to die
But aint nobody buying your lies
How can you say its right?
Demolition of homes and minds
In the eyes of a world gone blind
The revolution aint televised
In the streets, from the blood and dust, you will hear their cry
Livin conditions vicious. Electricity missin
Villages pillaged. Mothers and children innocent victims. Indigenous however treated as if
They were the foreigner and criminal for showing resistance. Freedom. Limited. By an occupant position. Inhibited transmission from humanitarians
This is. Just the beginning of these horrific incidents. Innocents disregarded so bombs drop, kill, and injure. Tell me. How hypocritical is it
To receive reparations for the crimes committed
Against you. Only to turn around and do
The same type of atrocities done to you
Face the truth. Justice will win through
And we all. Will answer for what we do
know oppression never lasts
Stand firm hold fast
To your faith
Let us pray Palestine
Will find
Freer days
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